Sometimes projects evolve as they proceed, and mutate into something else entirely by the time they're finished.
Sometimes a project director even forgets the original project by the time it is finished, and this certainly seems to be the case with Politics Daily reporter, Jeffrey Weiss.
On this blog you can see the original questions sent out by Mr. Weiss to me, and apparently other prolife people, although with one individual, a "conversation" was said to have taken place.
this link to see the actual email questions from Mr. Weiss, then compare to
the article he wrote in Politics Today. It will reveal a good deal about life with the media if you do this. I've set those links to spring up in different tabs for you to flip back and forth and compare fairly easily.
One interesting thing is to see that the project evolved in his mind (apparently after design of these emails) to a general question of what things should be covered by legal conscience protection, instead of why should abortion be the only thing covered by conscience protection.
Note also that in the original email, Mr. Weiss showed a lack of awareness of the other conscience protections existing in law.
He apparently learned from me, and perhaps others, that the military respects conscientious objectors, for example.
Also, note the issue of Federal protection addressed in the original email, as distinguished from local protections.
And most importantly, note that Mr. Weiss doesn't want to tell you that, although Obama is promising robust conscience protections, he has delivered none, In fact, Obama began his term by
announcing intent to rescind the executive order by President Bush. Bush's order had put some teeth in the existing federal conscience laws by tying adherence to federal funding. Formerly those laws were to be enforced only by civil lawsuits brought by unemployed health care professionals. (Think about that for a second or two...) Obama's recission returns the conscience laws to that nearly unenforceable status.
This is probably enough info for inquiring minds to see behind the above titled article. The remaining religiously inclined Obama supporters will continue to see what they want to see until all the religiously affiliated health care institutions are closed down.
a little list to aid the online scavenger hunt:
Politics Daily
religion health care