Down on the Pharm

If it makes Leftists mad, something has to be RIGHT about it.

My Photo
Location: Lawrenceburg, Indiana, United States

A prolife pharmacist.

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Obama Pays for Health Care!

This amazing Obama quote is from the first debate with McCain, Sept 26, 08. It appears that Obama has lost his mind. He really thinks that HE provides!

OBAMA: "I -- I don't know where John is getting his figures. Let's just be clear. What I do is I close corporate loopholes, stop providing tax cuts to corporations that are shipping jobs overseas so that we're giving tax breaks to companies that are investing here in the United States. I make sure that we have a health care system that allows for everyone to have basic coverage.

I think those are pretty important priorities. And I pay for every dime of it.

But let's go back to the original point. John, nobody is denying that $18 billion is important. And, absolutely, we need earmark reform. And when I'm president, I will go line by line to make sure that we are not spending money unwisely."

End Quote.

Ummmmm, Junior Senator Obama, congress might do a little of this, but not if it's full of leftists like yourself. You already showed us that with your record.

A few more comments on the debate: Obama assured us that John McCain is right, nine times during the debate. Obama appeared to be having an epiphany on both financial and security issues on Friday night. Referring to McCain informally by his first name, Obama was unable to get it right, sometimes calling McCain "Tom" or "Jim" Moving away from the teleprompter apparently is stressful. In contrast, McCain persistently referred to his opponent as "Senator Obama", and had no confusion about his identity. His foriegn policy experience was made more apparent, and he exhorted the audience repeatedly to take note of their respective voting records.

Friday, September 26, 2008

Insurance entrepreneur runs prolife ads

If you're prolife, in the states of OH, IN, KY, check out Paul Johnson Insurance for your personal needs. Why shop with this guy? He's taken the personal and business risk of running prolife ads on radio, and is currently producing You Tube video of the same ads.

Visit Paul Johnson's website to hear and download his prolife and pro-America ads. Since they don't mention any candidates, they can be played in churches and other in non profit institutions.

My suggestion for prolifers is to preferentially do business with like minded people. Think about it.

If you're wondering why I'm runnng a little ad for Paul Johnson in my blog, it's because I heard his prolife ads on local radio, and thought that I ought to boost a businessman who displays this much courage.

Shutting down Catholic Hospitals?

News from Victoria, Australia is that Archbishop Dennis Hart is threatening to close down the emergency rooms and maternity wards of 15 Catholic hospitals if a controversial abortion bill is passed by state government.

One third of Victoria's births occur at these Catholic hospitals, so closing those maternity wards would make a significant impact. More immediate would be the troubles ensuing from closure of the emergency departments.

This move by the Archbishop is causing reconsideration of the abortion legislation which would coerce participation by health care providers in abortion practices.

One wonders how many of the U.S. Bishops would stand up in a similar manner to this kind of legislation.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Japan's New Prime Minister

Apparently the new Prime Minister of Japan, Taro Aso, is known for being outspoken, conservative, (nice), favoring an active role against terrorism. The Prime Minister is also a sharpshooter, competing in the Olympics in the 1970s. Considering the religious demographics of Japan, here's something really wild: that guy is a Catholic. That's his family tradition for centuries, and his Christian name is Francis.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008 off to a Big Start.

I took part in a teleconference Tuesday night, put on by the 527 organization,, featuring Jill Stanek, RN, and Gianna Jessen, a courageously outspoken woman, who survived a saline abortion. Gianna has been furiously busy as of late, due to her ad requesting that Obama support protection for infants who survive abortion. This ad highlights Obama's hard work in preventing the passage of the Born Alive Infants Protection Act in the state of Illinois while he served as legislator.

This organization is requestion donations now, since the short window of time to use mainstream media in educating the public about infanticide in the U.S. only exists during the election season.

Full documentation of Obama's work to suppress the protection for infants born alive after abortion attempts, and the circumstances of Gianna Jessen exists at the new website of Please visit, and consider contributing to help them run some more ads during the next 40 days. Be sure to check out the response to the first Gianna ad. It has driven the Obama camp nutz, and their response has drawn attention to this effort from all over the world.

Fifth Grader Suspended for Anti Obama T Shirt

Congratulations to fifth grader Daxx Dalton, a true conservative who already kicks butt at his tender age. The students at his Aurora, CO school were invited to wear red white and blue to show their patriotism. He made up a shirt which, following the color motif, bore the message "Obama, a terrorist's best friend". He was given the choice to change, turn the shirt inside out, or be suspended. Upholding his right to free speech, Daxx chose suspension.

He's being backed up by his father, who intends to file suit to protect the right of free speech in public schools.

I'd like to introduce the liberal education establishment to their future. It's not gonna be easy. Conservative is the new way to rebel.

Friday, September 19, 2008

Gibson Lied and this is what Palin really said in Church

Pray for our military men and women who are striving to do what is right; also, for this country, that our leaders, our national leaders, are sending them out on a task that is from God; that’s what we have to make sure that we’re praying for, that there is a plan and that that plan is God’s plan.

Gang Rape, the New Crucifixion for Prolife Feminists

Adding evidence to the theory that child abuse creates liberals, Sandra Bernhard, in her performance at Theater J, spews extreme venom at Sarah Palin.
Apparently she's found Palin's religious adherence to be extremely offensive. She calls Palin a whore, bitch and turncoat, (most likely for letting those two babies live, and for opposing such killing).

It's a new day. Berhhard expects that her Black brothers in Manhattin would gang rape the VP candidate. No, she didn't say "brothers", she said "Black brothers", as though they are the ones to handle such a job. (Why any Blacks have been supporting the liberals who hold them in such contempt is beyond me.)

Should people who think like that be running the country? After you read the liberal media raving about Bernhards rage filled performance, you'll understand this question.

The culture wars are alive and well. Bill Clinton's observation that people will opt to live among others who think like themselves is correct, and it is obviously becoming necessary.

Thursday, September 18, 2008

P.Z. Myers, it's all about YOU. ;-)

It appears that Prolife pharmacist and PFLI spokesman Mike Koelzer has crossed paths with the very liberal
Associate Professor of Biology, P.Z. Myers. Apparently Mike's big offense was to show (by offering to make a presentation at Myer's place of worship) that he didn't (according to Myers) "know me very well".
For this grave insult of not recognizing the renown of Myers, small hordes of Myers' Atheist Acolytes were sent to Mike's pharmacy survey page to heap spam onto the website of his business. This caused Mike a bit of tedium, from a need to manage the spam, and caused me considerable amusement to hear of it.

Myers, a rather bellicose fellow, apparently in midlife crisis, is known more for obtaining a Blessed Eucharistic Host from a Catholic Church, and desecrating it, than he is for accomplishments in scientific research. A brief search for his work in Biology turned up....... well, ..... next to nothing. I understand that he has one or two peer reviewed journal articles, and a little collection of conference presentations to his name. If you search the net, you'll find Associate Professor Myers now bending the ears of students at University of Minnesota, Morris Campus.

It appears that when this P.Z. Myers passes on to become fertilizer (as his own religion might suggest) he won't be remembered for actual accomplishments, and may be recalled by a few for attempting to anger Catholics and other people with a vision of the Creator.

I do sincerely invite P.Z. Myers to get a life, to obtain access to the Creator through the illumination of the Catholic Religion, and perhaps accomplish some significant scientific research.

Science becomes a very useful tool, for the good of living creatures, when one stops abusing it as a religion.

Stealing Milk

Alright, this is weird cuisine.

I don't have trouble with the free market, but a chef in Switzerland is supposedly offering a measly 6 bucks per pint of human breast milk to use in his cooking. He's trying to buy liquid gold for a little bit of nothing.

In the industrialized countries, that's a puny price for the milk. What lactating woman is going to run a pump for that price? Do you know how much it costs to rent an electric pump? The thought of using a manual pump makes that 6 bucks look even more ridiculous.

A lot of moms whose babies tragically don't survive, donate their breast milk to hospitals to feed the kids still hanging on. I can certainly understand taking the time to do that, rather than selling cheap to that chef.

For you girls who have enough for the chef and your kid... that cheap cook gets the fore milk and your kid gets the hind milk. Save the cream for your baby.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Biden NYT Aneurysm scam linked on Google

I sent this to Drudge report already. But I would also like to record it on my private blog.
new york times page shows 1988 ap article about Biden's second aneurysm. 20 year difference!

Giuliani was right. Biden is gone.
"Well, I'll tell you, if I were Joe Biden, I'd want to get that V.P. thing in writing."

Why does a 2008 NYT Times page show a May 4 1988 article about Biden's old Aneurysm?

Go look at it before it disappears. When it does, no problem. I took a screen shot. I will ask for that to be published.

Will there be an investigation? A similar thing causes a run on AIRLINE STOCK. Billions!

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Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Bishops correct Biden

Biden is another one of the wimpy self styled 'catholics' who wouldn't impose their own 'belief's about abortion on others. (This blogger notes the current attempts to impose the abortion culture upon health care professionals. Once this is completed, abortion will then be imposed upon women, as in China.)


"The bishops said Biden was right to say human life begins at conception. But the church "does not teach this as matter of faith; it acknowledges it as a matter of objective fact," they said.

"Protection of innocent human life is not an imposition of personal religious conviction but a demand of justice," they added."

You Tube censorship

For awhile I will leave up the video bar as it is, so anyone who visits can see that You tube censored the videos from the students at LA advocate, demonstrating the racist propensities of Planned parenthood. Several employees were recorded, accepting offers of money earmarked to abort Black babies. I guess that's information that You Tube officials would rather you not know.

Obama and Biden trip and fall

Sarah Palin has the opposition worked up into a frenzy. Obama's use of 'lipstick on a pig' to refer to Palin directly, and Biden's admonition that Palin should be advocating the failed Embryonic stem cell research if she really cares about kids with disabilities have the democratic campaign in more hot water.
I think these guys are their own worst enemy. So noooooooo I won't be asking them to stop their antics. This campaign season is more entertaining than any diversion I might pay money to see.

I'm saving bucks and watching the fun.

When Justice Thomas Speaks, Listen UP

Supreme court justice Clarence Thomas is known as the quiet guy on the court. So when he has something to say, I listen.
This time, he's telling us that that Blacks are best served by colorblind policies. Excerpt from the Breitbart news:

"Thomas, addressing leaders of historically black colleges, said affirmative action "has become this mantra and there almost has become this secular religiosity about it. I think it almost trumps thinking.""

"A longtime opponent of race-based preferences in hiring and school admissions, Thomas said, "Just from a constitutional standpoint, I think we're going to run into problems if we say the Constitution says we can consider race sometimes.""

In a routine internet search for the news, I followed a link to a fascinating New York Times article "Palin fuses motherhood and politics in a new way". The author, Jodi Kantor carefully avoids the more obvious abuse of Sarah Palin by the media, concerning her ability to simultaneously serve as mother and public official. However this quote caught my eye: "In just a few months, she has gone from hiding her pregnancy from those closest to her to toting her infant on stage at the Republican National Convention."

As a prolife mother, I feel it's my place to explain to reporters another significant reason why a woman, sharing my beliefs about abortion, might conceal a pregnancy when there is an untoward fetal diagnosis. Each time a mom like us mentions that her unborn child has been diagnosed with a disability, she risks hearing the suggestion that she ought to abort. This suggestion might come from coworkers, friends or even family members. With it comes a piece of information that we'd rather not know: someone we care about believes that it's OK to kill a baby prior to birth. It's a sad bit of news, each time it happens. Even having a few kids in rapid succession as I did, later in life, can bring this kind of information.. But moms who obtain a prenatal diagnosis of Down syndrome are expected to abort, and 80 to 90 percent of them actually do.
I dodged most of the problems of prenatal diagnosis and the information it could have brought about people in my life. I refused the alpha-fetoprotein tests each time. It was necessary to sign a release form, since physicians (including those with don't do abortions) need protection from the lawyers of patients who change their minds. Obstetricians are real lawyer-bait.

Other prolife moms might want to consider this. The prenatal testing isn't mandatory, For now, it remains your Choice, whether or not to have it. Sometimes ignorance is bliss.

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Monday, September 8, 2008

Planned parenthood covers up more abuse

This time it's a 13 year old, California girl who received unwanted sperm donations from her stepfather for many months. He impregnated her, obtained an abortion for her, and continued molesting her.
This was finally halted when the mother found documents pertaining to the abortion.

When reading these court documents you'll wonder if the girl's mother was completely comatose during all these proceedings. But at least she promptly did something about it when she discovered the abuse.

On the other hand, Planned Parenthood is so accustomed to handling business like this, that the pregnancy of the 13 year old didn't raise an eyebrow. The same apparently goes for San Francisco general hospital, at which the abortion actually took place, persuant to the Planned Parenthood referral.

There are some Activists who would like to pass laws regulating such providers of medical services who exempt themselves from the duty of reporting suspected abuse of minors. It seems that even Arnold Schwarzenegger is behind the proposition 4 issue in the state of California. I think this legislation might help in many cases, but not in the one mentioned here, since the stepfather was the one obtaining the abortion services for his victim.

It is the intention of Obama, who is closely allied with Planned Parenthood, that the kinds of health care providers mentioned in this case, will be the only ones remaining.

For girls, the U.S. might become a cross between Thailand and China. That's an unpleasant thought.