Down on the Pharm

If it makes Leftists mad, something has to be RIGHT about it.

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Location: Lawrenceburg, Indiana, United States

A prolife pharmacist.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Fifth Grader Suspended for Anti Obama T Shirt

Congratulations to fifth grader Daxx Dalton, a true conservative who already kicks butt at his tender age. The students at his Aurora, CO school were invited to wear red white and blue to show their patriotism. He made up a shirt which, following the color motif, bore the message "Obama, a terrorist's best friend". He was given the choice to change, turn the shirt inside out, or be suspended. Upholding his right to free speech, Daxx chose suspension.

He's being backed up by his father, who intends to file suit to protect the right of free speech in public schools.

I'd like to introduce the liberal education establishment to their future. It's not gonna be easy. Conservative is the new way to rebel.


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