Down on the Pharm

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Location: Lawrenceburg, Indiana, United States

A prolife pharmacist.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Soldier will go through Court Martial in Challenging Obama

Lt. Scott Easterling is challenging Obama's eligibility as commander in chief, and joining a lawsuit as a plaintiff, demanding that Obama show proof of his citizenship. Easterling joined the army at age 40, after working as a contractor in Iraq, completed officers' training and redeployed in that same country.

The 40 year old army officer feels bound by his oath to protect the constitution of the U.S. to make this challenge, and will be joining as one of the many plaintiffs challenging Obama in court.

Visit the WND site for an update on the lawsuits challenging Obama, and for further details of Lt. Easterling's case.

Pharmer Predictions Dept sees a draft coming.


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