Down on the Pharm

If it makes Leftists mad, something has to be RIGHT about it.

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Location: Lawrenceburg, Indiana, United States

A prolife pharmacist.

Thursday, May 29, 2008

Teacher gets kids to vote kindergartener out of class.

This one is hard to report, because there's no way to convey what led up to what this teacher did.

Seems that a kindergarten kid with significant behavior problems was sent to the principal's office for one more of apparently frequent visits. When he came back to class, his teacher had him stand up front and allowed the remaining kids tell the boy what they disliked about him. Then, teach had the kids decide if the boy should remain in class. The decision was 14/2 to vote the kid out of the classroom.
I'd recommend that you read the article for yourself.

This situation is pretty sad. I don't know what to think because the full story certainly isn't being conveyed. It appears to be a case of inappropriately mainstreaming a kid with developmental difficulties.

The trouble is that the article leaves out a good deal of information.
It's true that teachers have little ability to control the classroom behavior problems, and a great fear of exerting discipline. Also people with not a great deal of training in special ed often are dealing with special needs students, along with those equipped for learning in the usual environment. So I bet the teacher was driven nuts by this kid.

However, her experiment in exerting social pressure to solve a behavior problem probably broke that little boy. Also it conveyed to the rest of the students an ethic that ganging up on one class member is OK, and encouraged. So I think she's managed to screw up a bunch of kids to varying degrees. She might need to consider a different career.

No, I don't think the mom ought to pursue a plan sue the school and the teacher in this case, unless she sues herself too. Seems that no one really knew what to do with her 5 year old boy. I think mom ought to spend her energy helping her kid to find the appropriate environment for his social training and education.

I never liked the premise of that Survivor show, so it only got about 15 total minutes of my time. I like it even less now........


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